Childs / Raphael Family Tree
This family tree is an on-going project which, by it’s nature, will never be finished. I initially started it in 2014 as a birthday gift to my mother, Mary Frances Dunham, and her brother, Christopher Raphael. Since then, I have updated the book with corrections and additional family history a number of times. I have limited the scope of the family tree to only the direct ancestors and descendants of my mother and uncle. However, I hope that what I have done so far will inspire other family members to record their respective branches of our Childs/Raphael family tree. I am grateful to my relatives who have been so supportive of this project and have helped with photos, dates and tidbits of family history.

Please contact Katherine Dunham if you would like to see the book.
Katherine, my name is Duncan Knobloch, and I’m your 3rd cousin! My Mother was Nancy Childs Knobloch. My Grandfather was John Herbert Childs, and my Great Grandfather was Luther Childs b.1856. He was your Great Grandfather Samuels older brother. Before my mothers dementia and passing, I gave her a family tree program, and she did not disappoint. She passed on to me 500+ ancestors. Over the past 10 years I have spent countless hours researching and adding. It can get real big real fast, so I too focus on direct ancestors.
I stumbled on your paper regarding the Childs restaurants. It’s very well done, and I have down loaded it for my archives.
I would like to see your work on our family tree. Please can you share it.
I have tried to get additional family members interested, but the twenty and thirty somethings don’t have time or interest.
You could view some of my efforts on Create a free account and search for William Childs.
Thank You
My sympathies on the passing of Mary Francis. She looks to be a very accomplished individual. A life well lived!
My name is Duncan Knobloch, and I’m your 3rd cousin! My Mother was Nancy Childs Knobloch. My Grandfather was John Herbert Childs, and my Great Grandfather was Luther Childs b.1856. He was your Great Grandfather Samuels older brother. Before my mothers dementia and passing, I gave her a family tree program, and she did not disappoint. She passed on to me 500+ ancestors. Over the past 10 years I have spent countless hours researching and adding. It can get real big real fast, so I too focus on direct ancestors.
I stumbled on your paper regarding the Childs restaurants. It’s very well done, and I have down loaded it for my archives.
I would like to see your work on our family tree. Please can you share it.
I have tried to get additional family members interested, but the twenty and thirty somethings don’t have time or interest.
You could view some of my efforts on Create a free account and search for William Childs.
Thank You
Duncan Knobloch
[email protected]